
Tisch is a functional table with a wax block tabletop. The top is made using paraffin wax – a visual and tactile reference to Shabbat candles – with a high melting point to ensure hardness and security for full functionality and decelerated wear. Its use is straightforward, and its design fits inconspicuously in any interior. Use during children’s play dates, holidays, house parties, and for your everyday tasks to bring your table “to life.”

Ash wood
Paraffin wax
30”W x 30”D x 27”H

Imagine a large group of religious Jewish men sitting around a table before a community celebration. They raise their wine cups and joyously shout, “L’chaim!” – “To Life!” – and their cups return back down, clumsily hitting the surface of the table: the tisch, or “table” in German and Yiddish. I have nothing to do with this sect of Judaism and will certainly never have anything to do with such a table of highly religious men. However, this custom reminds me of something I have been involved in, and in many different places. From sleep-away camp to USY (United Synagogue Youth) to the Brown/RISD Hillel, the prayers for after a meal – called Birkat HaMazon – are informally, and very unofficially, accompanied by a routine of hand motions, involving banging on the table. Regardless of whether or not Birkat HaMazon is said after family meals at home, what tales would the holiday Kids’ Table tell you if it could speak of the twenty-plus years of being in the family? To have a visual record of every time you celebrated as a family would be beautiful.